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hooligan 感觉一般,离争8保7的目标不远.就是平时练得太少了,作文做的不爽. 听力34阅读35作文77,口语:家乡,家乡所在省的情况,旅游,我所敬佩的名人,名人的好坏处.内容绝对比以前多很多.今年的考试费也长了嘛! 听力我觉得一般, 第一篇,学生住宿的情况. 第二片,介绍周(在英国来上学的第一周),介绍学校的各种情况 第三片,问选修课的情况 第四片,一个教授讲猎鹰的情况. 我总是开小差,所以在第二片时就挨刀了,其他的基本没问题. 阅读较简单, 第一篇,讲测桥梁的一个工具,一体没把握(applying the knife)不知道是什么意思,文章中也没看到 第二片,厄尔尼诺,有一体有摇摆,其他简单 第三片,........忘了,关于环境还是生物的把 第四片,环境保护,简单. 趋势:判断对错的细节题起多无比...共15题!!其次就是段落大意,也有10多提. 作文 题目简单,但是我没准备好. 第一题,一个图一个表 第二题,政府应该做武器还是重视老百姓. 希望对大家有帮助.很多题的答案还记得,只是不敢舞蹈大家. 忘了说,1月19号的.好像和国内考的有重题 The Ielts of 25 Jan. 2002 in Cambirdge The version of listening and reading are both 36, while 83 for the writing. Listening: perhaps is not very difficult, so just take it easy. Reading: maybe more than 50% are head matching. The first two article are easy, so pay more attention to the last one, just in my opinion. Writing: first 1 is to describe the amount of energy produced by four souces for great britain over the past twenty years. second 2 is that people think the eldly person should be take care of by the professionals in the special houses, better than with the younger members of his own famility. Do you agree or disagree, give your opinion. Good lucky.