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感谢网友 Michael听力. v35.这次听力出得比较浅, 容易听懂.Section 1.1男1女的对话, 先是那个男的迟到了, 要(Cold Drink)<--也有朋友说是喝咖啡. 然后就说那个男的为啥迟到, 最后是点了什么东西(Snakes and Drinks)Section 2也是俩个人去旅游, (第一个空是选New York Bus Route Map). 后面就比较乱,要求知道每个景点啥时候开门, 啥时候不营业. 注意啦! (我的答案记不清楚了)不过这一段对话不快, 所以有时间听. Section 3.一个老头介绍澳洲的学校.. 有什么专业呀, Part-time, full -time.之类的。记得的答案有 Information Technology, Evening(表里的最后一个)Section 4讲的是关于孩子的Reading Ability, 与Parents teaching and TV watching 的关系. 最后要填个表讲如何去做这个调查.Parents teaching,average ablity,150 or 1500students50-55剩下的记不起来了。总体而言, 听力比较简单。Reading. Ver 26这份阅读我做的感觉不是很好。 前面俩篇看得懂, 但是, 对答案没有信心.(语文水平比较差).Section 1讲染料的, 有俩种dye and pigment. 建议先看题目后看文章, 因为文章后面的那一半完全是垃圾.Questions3 Disadvantages of Dye..(文章没有直接给, 要去第三段看看)x requirements for pigment.  (忘了有几个条件了, 但是文章直接给出.自己去找吧)Section 2.talk about movie. 我这篇文章没有做好. Section 3Talk about teaching method.The method is talking about direct teaching, rather than indirect teaching. 感觉应该先看问, 后看文章, 这样稍微快些.Writing. Ver??忘了。第一篇. pattern of world's energy consuption in 1928, 1958 and 1998.要留意的有: Total energy consumption (up), Coal Consumption (down)Natural gas (up), 剩下的忘了. Anyway, it's easy.Section 2.个人感觉这篇文章应该小心省题.Scientic and technological advances have changed our lives.But some scientists in some fields say that scientists are not able to find solutions to the problems they have created.To what extend do you agree or disagree?个人观点:有几个朋友直接就写了Scientific and Technological Advances 的Benefits and disadvantages. 我觉得这样写偏了题. 我是这样写的:Main idea: The un-solvable problems could be solved in the future by technological advances and also by regulation. 例子:我好多专业名词不会, 只有举:"Mad Cow Diseases", "Nuclear Pollution"但是, 这俩个例子不算贴切.如果是: 转基因作物对人类的影响, 基因变异, such examples would be better served... but I don't know how to spell them. 最后, Good Luck to all!网络转载请务必注明出处并加本站链接,传统媒体转载必须征得本站及原作者同意。