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《旧约 - 申命记(Deuteronomy)》第29章

中文: 这是耶和华在摩押地吩咐摩西与以色列人立约的话,是在他和他们于何烈山所立的约之外。
英文: These are the words of the covenant, which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb.
中文: 摩西召了以色列众人来,对他们说,耶和华在埃及地,在你们眼前向法老和他众臣仆,并他全地所行的一切事,你们都看见了,
英文: And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Ye have seen all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all his servants, and unto all his land;
中文: 就是你亲眼看见的大试验和神迹,并那些大奇事。
英文: The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles:
中文: 但耶和华到今日没有使你们心能明白,眼能看见,耳能听见。
英文: Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.
中文: 我领你们在旷野四十年,你们身上的衣服并没有穿破,脚上的鞋也没有穿坏。
英文: And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.
中文: 你们没有吃饼,也没有喝清酒浓酒。这要使你们知道,耶和华是你们的神。
英文: Ye have not eaten bread, neither have ye drunk wine or strong drink: that ye might know that I am the LORD your God.
中文: 你们来到这地方,希实本王西宏,巴珊王噩都出来与我们交战,我们就击杀了他们,
英文: And when ye came unto this place, Sihon the king of Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, came out against us unto battle, and we smote them:
中文: 取了他们的地给流便支派,迦得支派,和玛拿西半支派为业。
英文: And we took their land, and gave it for an inheritance unto the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the half tribe of Manasseh.
中文: 所以你们要谨守遵行这约的话,好叫你们在一切所行的事上亨通。
英文: Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do.
英文: *Ye stand this day all of you before the LORD your God; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of Israel,
中文: 今日你们的首领,族长(原文作支派),长老,官长,以色列的男丁,你们的妻子,儿女和营中寄居的,以及为你们劈柴挑水的人,都站在耶和华你们的神面前,
英文: Your little ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water:
中文: 为要你顺从耶和华你神今日与你所立的约,向你所起的誓。
英文: That thou shouldest enter into covenant with the LORD thy God, and into his oath, which the LORD thy God maketh with thee this day:
中文: 这样,他要照他向你所应许的话,又向你列祖亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各所起的誓,今日立你作他的子民,他作你的神。
英文: That he may establish thee to day for a people unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
中文: 我不但与你们立这约,起这誓,
英文: Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath;
中文: 凡与我们一同站在耶和华我们神面前的,并今日不在我们这里的人,我也与他们立这约,起这誓。
英文: But with him that standeth here with us this day before the LORD our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day:
中文: (我们曾住过埃及地,也从列国经过。这是你们知道的。
英文: (For ye know how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt; and how we came through the nations which ye passed by;
中文: 你们也看见他们中间可憎之物,并他们木,石,金,银的偶像。)
英文: And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them:)
中文: 惟恐你们中间,或男或女,或族长或支派长,今日心里偏离耶和华我们的神,去事奉那些国的神。又怕你们中间有恶根生出苦菜和茵??来,
英文: Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood;
中文: 听见这咒诅的话,心里仍是自夸说,我虽然行事心里顽梗,连累众人,却还是平安。
英文: And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst:
中文: 耶和华必不饶恕他。耶和华的怒气与愤恨要向他发作,如烟冒出,将这书上所写的一切咒诅都加在他身上。耶和华又要从天下涂抹他的名,
英文: The LORD will not spare him, but then the anger of the LORD and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the LORD shall blot out his name from under heaven.
中文: 也必照着写在律法书上,约中的一切咒诅将他从以色列众支派中分别出来,使他受祸。
英文: And the LORD shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law:
中文: 你们的后代,就是以后兴起来的子孙,和远方来的外人,看见这地的灾殃,并耶和华所降与这地的疾病,
英文: So that the generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it;
中文: 又看见遍地有硫磺,有盐卤,有火迹,没有耕种,没有出产,连草都不生长,好像耶和华在忿怒中所倾覆的所多玛,蛾摩拉,押玛,洗扁一样。
英文: And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath:
中文: 所看见的人,连万国人,都必问说,耶和华为何向此地这样行呢,这样大发烈怒是什么意思呢,
英文: Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto this land? what meaneth the heat of this great anger?
中文: 人必回答说,是因这地的人离弃了耶和华他们列祖的神,领他们出埃及地的时候与他们所立的约,
英文: Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt:
中文: 去事奉敬拜素不认识的别神,是耶和华所未曾给他们安排的。
英文: For they went and served other gods, and worshipped them, gods whom they knew not, and whom he had not given unto them:
中文: 所以耶和华的怒气向这地发作,将这书上所写的一切咒诅都降在这地上。
英文: And the anger of the LORD was kindled against this land, to bring upon it all the curses that are written in this book:
中文: 耶和华在怒气,忿怒,大恼恨中将他们从本地拔出来,扔在别的地上,像今日一样。
英文: And the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.
中文: 隐秘的事是属耶和华我们神的。惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话。
英文: The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.